Friday, March 25, 2016

Week of March 21, 2016

Reading History!
Writers workshop: literary essay. Check out our pieces on the bulletin board in the hallway!
Guess who came to visit us from 1776?
We played games that kids in those time periods played.
Keeping track of our thinking when we dig into history.
Readers workshop: looking at text structures
Planning and organizing our writing thoughts.
One of Mrs Randall's previous students did a job shadow and spent the day with us. She shared their class blog and we saw us as kindergarteners!
Being archeologists! We explored many artifacts from the time period we are learning about. We brainstormed what they might be used for. Some of the artifacts are from the Fleming museum.
Four Winds- deer
A number talk focusing on multiplying fractions. We used many strategies, including doubling and halving.
Writing deeper-
Using many different types of text to build background knowledge on our subtopics.
After, we gathered together to share our new learning and built a timeline.
Focus statements on analyzing literature that we've read.
Writers at work! We reflected on one of our literary essays and chose a paragraph that we were most proud of. If you want to read our entire piece, check out the QR Code!
Reading non-fiction actively!
Compare, connect, and contrast texts!
Prioritizing while reading-keeping clear and purposeful notes.
Playing Decimal Compare
We investigated our artifacts and watched a National Geographic video about how researchers use the same process to tell a story about the objects they find.
We created skits to present a story about our team's objects from history.
Happy Easter!
Easton and Anna V

Friday, March 18, 2016

Week of March 14, 2016

Writer's Workshop- literary essay

Writing together- making strong statements, backing up our thinking with evidence, and sharing our thoughts on why it's important.

Book Clubs- This book club focused on author study by noticing patterns and structure in the craft.

For the last few weeks in Second Step, we have focused on showing responsible behavior. Have you noticed?

We cleared off our Read Box for the third trimester. Check out some new recommendations!

Comparing and contrasting fractions- after creating our own fraction number line, we worked together as a class to make a large poster!

Our VT tshirts! We love spending the entire year learning more about our state!

How do you handle peer pressure? We are working on being assertive and standing up for our beliefs.
B- Back it up!

How We Learn- this intervention group used their knowledge of the growth mind set to create this bulletin board to show the flow.

Virtual field trip! We went to Peru!

This week's MML, Easton, chose a web greeting.

Putting it all together- your conclusion

Our shared writing piece

Fraction fun- This is one of the games we play during math menu

Fraction apps where we use visual models to show fractional parts

Science- energy presentations, short/focused independent research project on different forms of energy

Check out our VT shirts!

have a great weekend,

From, Anthony and Adrien