Sunday, December 30, 2012
Happy Holidays!
I can't wait to see you all on Wednesday! Happy New Year!
Mrs. Randall
Friday, December 14, 2012
Week of December 10
We got a new math menu and we have untill 12/21/12.
We get a new math menu every 2 weeks. A math menu is a bunch of math choices that we can chose from.But we have to do some choices before the others.We have 8 choices this week on our math menu. Our favorite is the game "Guess my number". It is a fun way to practice your facts and using math vocabulary to ask good questions.
This is at sharing and Jacob shared pictures of Lego things he bulit and a book he likes, for his me bag.
We're reading the book The mysterys of Harris Budick. To listen to sentence fluency.So we can see a example of how we can write interesting sentences to tell a story.
We started a new unit in Science about properties of matter. The three types of matter are solids, liquids and gas. Mrs. Randall says there is a fourth type. Do you know what it is?
Some people started ther own riddles.In our Vermont unit.
We had crazy hair day on Tuesday.These are some of the crazy hair styles.
We had 6 questions and 6 groups. Each group answered one of the six questions. We now know that a meter is longer than a yard. Do you how much longer?This is one of the groups presenting their math answer.
Some people got to play a game called Inference during reader's workshop.
We finished The book Circuit. It ended on a clif hanger! Mrs. Randall showed us the next book in his memoir titled Breaking Through.
Everyday except Tuesday we have P.O.D which means problem of the day. We are now using our notebooks as resources to find the most efficient and effective strategy to use.
We sang Rudolph the red nosed reindeer in music.
At music we sang Hanukah time.
We played division bingo in math for about 15 min. on Wednesday.
At music Bella played a song on the piano and she is very good at it.
We were given the challenge of measuring the length of our classroom. Mrs. Randall will show us the actual blueprints on Monday.
We started a new book called "Shadow" in read aloud. The book is by Michael Morpurgo. It is historical fiction.
On Thursday Milina brought in ooblick for science.Also on Thursday we were supposed to Skype but the other people were having Internet problems so we could not Skype.So we just studied for our Vermont test and working on our riddles. We will play Where in VT are you? On Monday.
This is our new weekly reader.We get these every week but this one is longer than most of them so we have two weeks to finish and talk about it.
Have a happy holiday (one week until break)
Taylor and Kieley (that created the blog)
Friday, December 7, 2012
Week of Dec. 3-7
We finished the end of the unit three after we checked it on the white board
In reading and writing we read...Why does Epossumondas have no hair on his tail? We talked about how and why authors create sentence fluency. We noticed different types of sentences put together to create an impact.
We fill out are planner every day after recess and before lunch. 20 min. Reading is at the top. With this resource to know what we have to do when we get home.
On Tuesday we had math where we were taking another look at a math problem a second time to see if we are now more efficient mathematicians. Ms.Rinehart and Mrs. Randall taught this lesson.
We read a passage about the titanic with are 8 o'clock clock partner.
We went to library and read waiting for magic a chapter book and a D.C.F book.
During social studies we worked on Riddles Geography with a partner or in a group .
During mah on Tuesday Mrs.Randall invited extra people in the room to see how fourth graders work.
During social studies we worked on a iPad to help find the answer to the riddles we are working on.And we had a subsitute teacher named Ms.Jonston you can see her in the corner.
During math group time Ms.Randall had two kids work on measurement notebook on the smart board.
Gabe shared his me bag because he is the student of the week.
We went in to the computer lab and for our first time using the digital version ourselves.
We got a new weekly reader called Four More Years.
During reading we finished our T- Charts that housed our facts and inferences.
We skyped a school in Tinmouth, Rutland in social studies. It took us about 20 minutes and some good questions to figure out where they were. At one point they lost video so we could only hear them.
We also Skyped our Quadblogging friends and learned more about the similarities and differences from USA and New Zealand. They shared a beautiful song and the boys did the Hakka. We will post videos!
We played a new math game today to help us practice our understanding of linear measurement.
Sal's Sub ship is a lot of fun!
We have read aloud every day . We are reading the Circuit by Francisco JimeƱez. we are in the point where they are going to a new school .
During class room cafe we can invite people from the other class room in to eat with us.
****Please check out the two videos we took during our Skype with our Quadblogging friends in New Zealand! They are located below this post!
We had game time after lunch to celebrate our paws points!
Have a good weekend!
Sadie and Mia
Skype video -New Zealand
Friday, November 30, 2012
Week of 11/26/12
We finished reading the book Epossumondas by Coleen Salley and talked about how and why an author chooses words. We then created our own word list in our writer's notebook to use as a writer. Did you know that writers choose words to be accurate or to help the reader create a vivid image?
Today we had are first day of snow at school!!!!!
We are working on Vermont maps for our class Skype and test.
We had visitors from Rumney school.
Mr.lane told us that people have different perspectives and we should respect that.
On Wednesday we had Mrs.Johnson for a guest teacher for the afternoon. Mrs. Randall had a meeting in Richmond.
We are almost finished our book at read aloud, The Circuit. It's from the perspective of the author "Francisco"
In Mr.Bouchard had an Ah-Ha moment in class during math!
This is the problem he had that Ah-Ha moment.
We are learning how to use a new multiplication app on the I pad for math menu time.
People in Mrs.Randall math investigations group played a math game called Guess my Number.
In ELF, we took a closer look at the parts of a Lima bean. Did you know the seed plumule is next to the stem?
We had a visit from our K-buddies today and showed them are solar system project.
We organized our schedule to read to our K-buddies throughout the year. Once a month each one of us will spend time reading with our buddy!
Have a great weekend
By Jackson and Taylor.