Some student quotes from the first day!
Sydney likes the class jobs!
Nick T. Got to meet up with friends again and likes getting homework!
Bella likes learning more about her classmates!
Abbey likes choosing a group name.
Kayla likes our classroom a lot!
Nolan likes the stair master!
Taylor likes the selection of books!
Troy likes the feeling about being in a group!
Emma likes that there are lots of topics to learn about in fourth grade.
We brainstormed some goals for the school year and then chose one academic hope and one personal hope. After, we talked with our classmates about a plan to achieve our goals and gathered some support people to help us along the way!
Mrs. Randall gave us each a planner to help us stay organized. We fill it out each day, have our parents sign at night, and Mrs. Randall checks them for notes each morning.
We explored one of our class resources, Math To Know. With a partner, we completed a scavenger hunt to help us understand how the text is organized and what information we could find to help us.
Our desks are organized by families. Together we agreed upon family names and designed posters to hang.
Working in our cursive books. There are many of us who have chosen the goal of improving our penmanship this year!
We brainstormed some of our qualities and added ones that described us to our own mini-me. These will be added to our bulletin board in the hallway.
We wrote a friendly letter to ourselves! We put it in a time capsule and will open it on our last day of fourth grade!
At the end of the week we have a closing meeting and set a goal for the following week. This week we exceeded our goal and will celebrate on Tuesday!
We all laughed and had fun! We enjoyed our first week of fourth grade! Enjoy the long weekend!
Mrs. Randall's Class