We just watch a live video about a Rosetta landing on the comet! The landing was success and we have landed on the comet! The interviewers said that the success was outstanding and we shall learn some of this information. In the process 20 space agency's helped on this mission, allowing the mission to be a success. Our mission has only just started, next step is to explore our data. We have only just begun... What do you think we will find in the data? What type of rock? Will we find life or fossils? What do you think?
Here is a link to our video!
Aidan and Mia were students of the week-shared their me bag
Cooper and Jackson finished Fastt Math
We practiced us algorithm and expanded notation
We learned about erosion in Four Winds
We finished our read aloud book. The author read the last chapter to us and we participated in a Google Chat with her.
We started our new read aloud book- a memoir I am Malala.
We participated In another Sumdog competition! It was a national one with over 7,000 classes! We came in 22nd place!
We took a closer look at mentor text in writers workshop and wrote thesis statements and gathered evidence using boxes and bullets to organize our thinking.
We worked with our 3rd grade buddies to conference with responding to text. We also signed them up to participate in Sumdog with us.
Our 1st grade buddies came in to watch some cool Brain Pop videos and we made thanksgiving placemats for each other.
We talked back to the text by asking thoughtful questions
We got some new books for our classroom library!
Mrs. Randall got new gloves that say, "a good book fits just like a glove!"
Isabelle shared her trip to. NYC
We played some fun geography games using the Smartboard!
We used pedometers to track our steps each day. We are working on adding and subtracting large numbers.
Alec shared his hockey stuff
Mrs. Randall read a cool book about what do you do with an idea, and we generated many cool ideas! We hope to dig into them throughout the year.
We tested our thesis-it's ok to be messy and see if we have enough evidence to back it up.
We are responding to text and adding pieces to our Read Box
We took a second look at our math expectations. Together we brainstormed some ways to self-check.
Using the NASA site we used our 3-D glasses to see some cool images!
It was a fun two weeks!
Theo and Cooper