We had a wonderful week! Field day, Freaky Tuesday and reflecting our fourth grade year have been great! Maybe a few tears...
We made cards for our first grade buddies and hung out with them. Mrs. Pack read us a funny book.
We made thank you cards for JES staff that have helped us this year. We delivered them today!
On the first day of school, we wrote letters to ourselves. Mrs. Randall delivered them to us and we read them. We have changed since then!
Today we Mrs. Randall gave us stars we made earlier in the year. We wrote kind words on each of our classmates's stars. After we read all of the comments. It was touching! Crocodile tears...
We took time to reflect on our time in fourth grade by looking back at our class blog and Edmodo group. We wrote memories in our writer's notebook. After we used a site called Tagxedo to upload a head shot of us and add our memories to it. We also wrote letters to ourselves.
Hugs and tears as we say, "until next time" to our friends!
We will miss Theo, Amos and Porter next year!
Memory lane...reflecting on our classroom adventures on our class blog.
Have a fun this summer!
Owen and Jackson