We created a short iMovie that we will post next week!
Keeping watch over our chicks and remaining focused during reading.
Another beginning hatch!
Our brooder box. 8 chicks have hatched.
Our new books arrived from local author Chris Tebbitts!
Our official sign arrived for our Little Library! Adrian's grandmother will be coming in next week to help us paint it! She is an amazing artist!
Lots of peer conferences this week on our informational writing!
Observing speed over time in math.
DCF readers Skyped BRMS with Mrs. Babbitt!
One of our class greetings this week! Do you know how this worked? Think circuits...
Final book club presentations! Historical fiction readers discussed the importance of knowing what is fact and what is not.
Thank you Mrs. Adams for being a book club facilitator and guiding this wonderful skit for Green Mountain Hero! We will post he video next week!
Happy Memorial Day! See you at the parade!