Our classroom family lead our all-school morning meeting! We shared our book talk video. If you didn't have a chance to watch our video, we posted it last week on this blog.
In science, we planned an investigation on how to use kinetic and potential energy when making a roller coaster.
Watch Here
We are focusing on habits of mind and rated ourselves to help with individual goal setting.
#characterday. We watched a couple of videos that helped us see how valuable it is to focus on positive character traits. We then discussed which ones we value most and created posters to highlight our top 5. We hung them up in the classroom.
Magic beads!! As scientists we explored the power of energy both inside and outside. We have a theory that they change with uv rays.
Check out Mrs Randall's reading gloves! Reading a just right book does fit just like a glove!
Here are some book talks from the week!
Look at all of these thoughtful post it notes! Talking back to the book helps you better understand what you are reading.
Book talk
Berkeley was our student of the week! She is sharing her me bag.
This is a slide greeting!
Focus-Gaining a better understanding of the characters in our books. We watch for their thoughts, words, actions, and feelings.
Author's Chair!
Other writers are listening with attention to show respect to others.
Using a model to show how we save multiplication equations.
We played a couple games to find factors and multiples of numbers.
Tommy's birthday!
It was a fun week! Have a wonderful weekend!
Alex and Caleb