Friday, September 30, 2011

Week of Sept. 26

  • Monday: POD-we learned how to make a table to help us solve a math word problem
  • Finished up our personal newspaper
  • In reading we opened all our fluency stations
  • In PE we focused on fitness and health
  • In math we practice solving story problems
  • We had a class basketball game outside on the courts to celebrate meeting our pawsitive goal
  • In read aloud we are reading the book School of Fear...
  • In morning meeting Mrs. Randall read us a book called A Chair For My Mother and we talked our Pillar of Character-Caring
  • In music we sang a birch tree song
  • In word study we used a fun site called to play games using our new words
  • We had our pictures taken in the library
  • Mrs. Randall taught us how we can talk with eachother on a site called Moodle. We watched a cool science video and then posted our thoughts. We could also reply to someone's post. It was awesome!
  • We had ELF and learned more about bugs. We caught some bugs outside!
  • Ms. Minor came for the first time today. She is our student teacher and will be here on Wednesdays.
  • We did Fastt Math
  • We had a class meeting and created "positive peer paws". This is for us to give positive comments (fill someone's bucket) to our classmates. Some expected behavior we are noticing is keeping our mouths resting in the hallway, buzz quietly, include everyone and keep our hands to self
  • We had our multiplication assessment. It was very exciting because a lot of people got 30 out of 30!
  • In art we made mandellas
  • In math we broke numbers apart and created arrays
  • We played a game called Big Array/ Small Array
  • We learned about a program called Kidspiration. We had a chance to explore it and some of us are using the graphic organizers as a way to respond to text
  • Mrs. Randall taught us how to elaborate by using a format called the ABC Format. We wrote one together from our read aloud book
  • We did a cursive lesson in our books
  • We did a pacer test in PE
  • We did over 100 jumping jacks in Spanish because we were counting to 100 in Spanish
  • We read this week's Weekly Reader and will be discussing it this afternoon.
This was a fantastic week!
Cortland and Mia

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of Sept. 19

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  • We played soccer in PE
  • I thought the end of unit math assessment was easy! It was on multiplication and arrays. We also had to write a multiplication story
  • We finished our cool read aloud book-The Hot and Cold Summer! The moral of the book was don't judge a book by it's cover
  • We voted on our new read aloud book-we chose School of Fear
  • We baked bread and Abby brought in yummy jelly
  • We practiced singing in music
  • In math we reviewed our math assessment that we had on Monday
  • We had library and checked out new books for the first time this year
  • In guidance we learned the seven communication blockers. They are; name calling, insulting, threatening, accusing, blaming, sarcasm, globalizing.
  • We had our multiplication assessment and did Fastt Math. We created single bar graphs to house our scores in multiplication. We all saw growth from last week!
  • The crack in our class window expanded so we taped it. The window seats are off limits. The new window should be in soon!
  • In art we made a paper mandalas that have seven sections
  • We watched a movie in Spanish about the Mayan culture
  • We exceeded our PAWS point goal! On Monday we will celebrate by playing a class game of basketball on the outside court!
  • We brainstormed our expected behavior in class and came up with a lot! We decided to create Positive Peer Paws-it's kids giving positive comments to other kids. For example, thank you for... or I noticed that you have your eyes on me!
  • We look forward to current events this afternoon!
We are looking forward to more fun in fourth grade!
Mason and Aaron

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sept. 12

  • soccer in gym
  • math arrays
  • Writing bio-poems
  • Author's Chair
  • Reading Workshop-What does it look like and sound like during independent reading
  • music-we sang "A Street Called Cherries so ripe and round"
  • VT map-what geographic features did we notice?
  • We played a class kickball game to celebrate exceeding our paws points!
  • Typed our bio-poems
  • Hung our "me posters" from the ceiling
  • First multiplication test
  • Laptops to explore the NASA sight and Fastt Math
  • Wrote in our Newspapers
  • Guidance-played a game about what we like and don't like (like friendship)
  • Library-checked out books
  • Skyped with our buddy class in Illinois. We asked questions (yes/no) about where they are located and they guessed our state/town/school/grade. We each had a job like question command center, messenger, or tech crew.
  • Learning a new strategy for POD (problem of the day)-act out problem or use objects
  • Google Earth
  • created a t-chart that shows what we do well as a reader
  • Art
  • Checking in with just-right books
  • Weekly Reader-discussion and digital version
  • What are the factors of multiples of 100?
  • PE-soccer
  • Working on finishing our Newspapers-using the 5-W's for writing our important event
  • Spanish-played games and greeted each other in Spanish
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Happy Friday!
Cortland and Bella

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

First 2 Days!

On Fridays we eat lunch in our classrooms for class cafe!

One of our team posters!

Mrs. Lord gets her workout!

Awesome finished mini-me

Creating a mini-me.

Our first day of school was awesome! "I think it was creative, fun and exciting!" Says Will. "I felt like I was in Kindergarten again because I didn't know what to expect!" says Emma. "When I was waiting for the bus stop, I felt like I was waiting for a scary roller coaster!" says Abby. "When I woke up, I we go again!" says Josh. "It felt like a long day!" says Cooper. "The day before school started, I couldn't believe it was already school time!" Bella. "Summer felt really short to me!" says Lily.

Mrs. Randall is a creative and fun teacher! For our class blog, we get to take pictures and be reporters. We do a lot of fun activities! Mrs. Randall uses a Red Cat to make her voice clear and we use a stairmaster when we need a motor break! She makes the day feel short-because time flies when you are having fun! We think this is going to be an awesome school year!

So far we have...
*created our hopes and dreams
*made mini-me for class jobs
*wrote a time capsule letter to ourselves
*personalize our writer's notebooks
*started a read aloud book titled The Hot and Cold Summer
*created our team names and made posters
*exceeded our pawsitives goal and we get to plan our celebration next week
*had Spanish and PE class
*organized our planners
*had lots of fun
*learned about arrays and multiplication
*picked our clock partners
*getting book orders
*morning meeting share
*brainstorm classroom expectations
*we are famous-see the Burlington Free Press

This is our first blog! Have a great long weekend!
Mrs. Randall's Class