- soccer in gym
- math arrays
- Writing bio-poems
- Author's Chair
- Reading Workshop-What does it look like and sound like during independent reading
- music-we sang "A Street Called Cherries so ripe and round"
- VT map-what geographic features did we notice?
- We played a class kickball game to celebrate exceeding our paws points!
- Typed our bio-poems
- Hung our "me posters" from the ceiling
- First multiplication test
- Laptops to explore the NASA sight and Fastt Math
- Wrote in our Newspapers
- Guidance-played a game about what we like and don't like (like friendship)
- Library-checked out books
- Skyped with our buddy class in Illinois. We asked questions (yes/no) about where they are located and they guessed our state/town/school/grade. We each had a job like question command center, messenger, or tech crew.
- Learning a new strategy for POD (problem of the day)-act out problem or use objects
- Google Earth
- created a t-chart that shows what we do well as a reader
- Art
- Checking in with just-right books
- Weekly Reader-discussion and digital version
- What are the factors of multiples of 100?
- PE-soccer
- Working on finishing our Newspapers-using the 5-W's for writing our important event
- Spanish-played games and greeted each other in Spanish
Make a digital slideshow |
Happy Friday!
Cortland and Bella
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