Friday, February 3, 2012

Week of January 30, 2012


Day 1: working on our P.O.D. We Skyped for Where in VT are you?  We found out our new friends are in Windsor county!  They are in A fifth grade class in Springfield.  

Day 2: During music we learned how to do note E on our recorders. 

In math we had a great discussion about using decimals. For example, .75 is equal to 3/4. 


During reading work shop we read a packet called The Wipping Boy. 

We brainstormed descriptive words for this picture before our quick write.

 In social studies, we were part of the state government!  One person was the governor and some worked in the senate or the house of representatives. 

Day 3: During math we took a test on fractions and decimals. 


 Ms. Minor read us a cool fraction and decimals book about Twizzlers!  We got to eat some Twizzlers after!  Tomorrow in math we are going to try out some of the math from the book!  We learned how you can figure out a baseball players batting average!


 We played a game called Decimal Compare!  It's similar to fraction war!


 We were using base 10 blocks to show decimals.


 We have helpful fraction bars that we can move around.  They are magnetic!


 Game time!  We celebrated our pawsitives today!  This game was a lot of fun and we got to use our government knowledge!   



 We brainstormed some sensory words to use in our legacy piece.


 We are using Kidspiration to help us brainstorm-the split screen helps!


 Yummy!  We each got to eat 2.8 Twizzlers!  


 A group of students writing a funny poem together.  We read a great poem called "Sarah Cynthia Stout Would No Take the Garbage Out" to inspire us!

Our K-buddies read to us. 

 Mrs. Randall read us a book about word choice-Big Words For Little People.


 Our k-buddies are good readers!


 We wrote stories together!  We can't wait to hang them to share with everyone!


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