MONDAY-March 19
We played a game that we call the Horse Game. In this game, the girls try to solve math problems faster than the boys, and the boys try to solve math problems faster than the girls. Whichever team solves the math equation correctly first, and can show how they solved it, can move their teams horse forwards on the race track. Whichever teams horse reaches the finish first, wins the game. This game was fun!
We did addition and subtraction practice in our 5th grade math books.
We had 2 special guests! Gretchen and Abby are 8th graders that are doing a job shadow on Mrs. Randall. A job shadow is when you follow someone around all day and see what their job is like.
We wrote down Facts and Opinions on an article called 'Hard at Work'. The article is about kids that have to work in unsafe places for not much money. I think that the whole thing is totally unfair.
We have been asked to write a piece about the Big Change Roundup by the Mountain Gazette. They said that they might even put it on the front page! WOW! In this picture (above) a few of us are typing the piece. The piece that we wrote will probably be in the paper on Saturday, March 24. You should try to get a copy of the Mountain Gazette and read our story! It's Good, trust me!
Some of us took a reading assessment during readers workshop.
We crept along in our read aloud book 'Something Upstairs' by Avi, and we finished! We are going to make an iMovie for it on Tuesday!
Recess was fun, but it was really hot! It was 80 degrees out!
We started working on the process of our wax museum by picking the top 3 people that we might be. There were some interesting people! A couple choices were Victoria Woodhull, Ethan Allen, Ben or Jerry, Ann Story, and lots more! When we have the wax museum in May, you should definitely come!
TUESDAY-March 20
The first day of spring! Finally! Spring seems like the right word for the nice weather that we are having!
We had school wide morning meeting today, and after that we had music. In music, we took a recorder assessment where you played a song for Ms. Bolio and she scored you on your speed, pitch, and rythm. We all did very well!
Here we are during math! We split into 3 groups- Some people played math battleship on the smart board, some people played small array, big array, and 1 person was on the i-pad watching videos from the Kahn Academy. The picture above shows the group that was playing battleship on the smart board. They had fun!
During math we also worked on adding and subtracting big numbers like 20,049 and 19,763.
We closed up our reading strategy lesson from Monday in Readers Workshop
We had a pizza party for a fraction lesson and for a pawsitives celebration! It was AWESOME!
Adding the sauce-
Putting on the cheese, olives, sausage, pepperoni, ham, and pineapple-
Out of the oven! Careful Mrs. Randall! It's hot!
Time to cut the pizzas!
Here you go! 1 slice of sausage pizza!
We had an awesome pizza party on Tuesday!
We started a new read aloud book called 'One Crazy Summer' by Rita Williams-Garcia
Mrs. Randall had recess duty! And what a wonderful day to have it!
We had calzones for lunch, and they were yummy!
We started our VT history unit, and we read a book called 'If you Lived at the Time of the Revolution' by Kay Moore. This book is about The American Revolution. We read the first chapter, which was called What Was Life Like Before The Revolution.
We watched a 20 minute video about the Colonial Times, and took notes on Facts and Questions.
We went to library and read 3 Red Clover books. They were good books! We read Bink and Gollie, Stand Straight Ella Kate, and Art and Max.
We wrote story problems for the class to solve. We had to write 3-5 story problems, and then we had to solve them. Tomorrow we're going to report them out to the class! Wish us luck!
We worked on a music program in the computer lab with Ms. Bolio. We get to compose and listen to pieces, and then we print them out! It's really fun!
We made a Jing about 2 math games for Mrs. Pack's kindergarteners to play.
We had Guidance, and Mr. Lane taught us the 11 Advertising Techniques. Do you here these things in adds?
1-Saves time, money, energy?
2-Is safe for you and the environment?
3-Will make you popular, tough, cool, and physically fit?
4-Is bigger or better than other products?
5-Solves a problem, fixes you?
6-Use famous people?
7-Promise a prize or give-away?
8-Catchy Jingle or slogan?
9-Use humor?
10-Scare you?
11-Healthy for you?
Be careful when you watch adds! Don't let them trick you into buying things!
Mrs. Randall gave 4 book talks; all of the books were about VT history. We are getting ready for our next literature circles.
We moved along in our read aloud book One Crazy Summer
Reading silently after we finish the Government test at the end of the day.
We had Art and math switched! This ment that we had math first, and then we had art. In math, we reported out our story problems, and the class solved them. After that, we all took an end-of-unit assessment. When we had finished the assessment, we had free math time. Some of us played math games with partners, some of us played math games with Mrs. Hyder (Josh's Mom), and some of us worked on math pages in our 5th grade math books.
We worked on our P.O.D. notebooks. In these notebooks, we solve math problems and show our work. We do this in the morning when we come in.
We had a Fire drill! How exciting!
In art we worked on our silhouettes. At one point we even got to use knives! They were safe though, don't worry!
Here we are! We wrote important dates down in our planner calendar.
We told Mrs. Randall who we want to be for the Wax Museum.
We read the next chapter of the 'revolution life' book.
We played VT bingo! It was fun!
FRIDAY-1/2 day
We had a 1/2 day today because of parent teacher conferences. School ends at 11:30!
In Spanish, we're studying Spain. Today, we read a book all about Pablo Piccaso's life.
We took our spelling tests in the computer lab, and we also had free math time.
We had an all school recess, and it was AWESOME!!!!!! We had all school recess as a pawsitives celebration.
We took our weekly division assesment, and people got 30/30%!
We discussed this weeks weekly reader, here it is!
We had an awesome week! :)
Enjoy the Beautiful weekend! -Abby
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