We are getting closer to being respectful and responsible to others during pick up at the end of the day.
Mr.Randall is telling us to pick up after ourselves. We are working on showing respect to property by putting items back where we found them.
We are dancing to a fun song during our jam! Abbey is this week's jam master.
We are going on a trip to mt. Philo! It is going to be fun. We are using encouraging words to support each other and make sure everyone in fourth grade feels like they belong.
We have a new math menu. We created it on Friday last week after we wrote reflections in our math journal about our growth as mathematicians. We added some practice items to the next menu so we can stay focused on our math goals.
We completed our art project!! Thank you to Mrs. Adams for helping make our Author's Chair, stool, and listening center look great!
This is the hike of Mt. Philo. Check out the video we made in our earlier post.
We are all working together to reach the top.
We found some butternuts in the bushes.
We all belong with each other like we are a family that we stick together as we belong here even if we are diffent then each other but we have diffent this that we like and not like we have diffent friends we like and not like but we have diffent things that we like.
We are reading out of my mind it is about a girl that can not talk and not walk and she has a sister and a pet name Butterscotch.Some of her friends can not walk and talk too but she has a friend that can know what she say I think that is nice to know that but she thinks people know that she has the same thing as them and I think at the end of the book that some kids do not make fun of her like she I different then them.
Today we are seeing our k- buddies we are happy to see them today we have smiles on our faces. Together we used our five sentences to notice and name them in nature.
Mrs. Randall did a book jacket prompt today! We noticed the front cover, then wrote a quick write. After, we lifted our favorite line to share. We then thought about possibly taking that line and using it as our lead.
We like our k-buddies.We are practicing packs and groups in guidance class.
We are happy that we are done with NECAPs. We are very happy!
See you on Monday!
Caitlyn and Nick V.
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