Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week of November 11

We have been working on getting deeper with our reading responses on our sticky notes. We're asking questions to help better understand the books we're reading!

We made some doc's on google doc's to help better understand the books we are reading.
Mrs.Randall read about Ruby Bridges. Together we made an anchor chart to house what learned while reading and Mrs. Randall shared her thinking. We each had our own organizer to house our questions.
This is a shot of one slide from math block. We practiced using what we know and a second strategy to check for accuracy.
Ask your family the focus question.

How can understanding the multiples of 10 help you solve double digit equations?

We finished Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Daper on Tuesday the 12, 2013 November. After, we voted on our next book. Abbey and Nolan will be creating our class bookmark to add to our bin of bookmarks that have been made after each read aloud text.

We have been working hard on our math work! 1+1= awesome class!

9x3=27! Example:

Working on our math skills is a demand, so we can be efficient with our math.

We have been reading the secret knowledge of grow ups! SSSHHH!!!!!

We had a sub teacher, Mrs. Cole, for a couple hours on Wednesday the 13th. Mrs. Randall went to visit another school and then came back.

Miss Brittany helped our class during the week!

Winter is here! Remember your boots, coat, hat, and mittens!

Break was fun after a lot of hard work because we get let of some energy and get food into us!

Kayla shared her me–bag with us on Wednesday the 13th! She is our student of the week.

Our new read aloud book is The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls by Elise Primavera.

In math we learned that 14x12 has the same answer to 28x6 even if 14 is half of 28 and 12 is double of 6.Try doing this with any number

Our Second Step unit is helping us with ways to calm down....

1. Stop!

2. Name your feeling

3. Calm down

Use Strategies like...

Breathing &

Kind self talk

& count

Kate finished multiplication on on Fastt math! Great job Kate!

Abby made a bookmark for the book our class finished.

Happy Birthday Justin! Its Fri. Nov. 15, 2013 and Justin turned ten just in time off the week- end!

Hey! No bunny ears!

We danced to "we're never getting back together" by Taylor Swift to celebrate Kate and Justin!

Dancing on a desk are we Mrs. Randall?!? That's not aloud! Sham, sham!

We worked with Miss Pack's class to show them something on the iPads! We listened to the read and recorded them!

Rock on and have a great weekend!

Emma and Olivia!


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