Friday, May 23, 2014

Week of May 19

The first chick! Happy Birthday little guy!
Some more chicks, a while after hatching. So fluffy!
Mrs. Adams helping Kayla in reading.
The eggs in the incubator. Hope some more hatch!
We played close to 7500. The object of the game is to add up numbers and get close to 7500.
These are our book responses for our literature groups. Each picture is a groups' work.
Today we did a science investigation. This is a picture of Maddy's results.
For the end our our investigation, we took time to write our final review on which material to use for de-icing roads. This is Caitlyn, Julia, and Maddy working on their pieces.
Quiet meditation time. Abbey, Kayla, Bella, and Emma are having quiet time.
During reading we work on a sheet about can kids stop kids from smoking. We wrote down our thoughts about the article.
Avrie reading while snack. Must be a really great book!!!
A group during guidance planing how to 'survive' on an island. Can they make it?

Today in math we did a story problem.The Focus was: We will use efficient stratagies to add/subtract using clear and concise notation for recording.

The math trio working their minds silly! They're doing great!!!
Julia and Sydney are showing expected behavior and filling out their 'narrow it down' sheet for Current Events. We also are talking about the article on the white board, and deciding our three words to focus on.

That's all folks!
Thanks for reading,
Taylor and Sydney


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