Ms.Johnston was our sub teacher for part of the morning Monday when Mrs.Randall brought her children to the dentist.
Andrew got a class celebration and the class got to watch a video called Mouse for sale. Thank you Andrew!!
Four winds focused on air! We did four fun experiments!
After four winds, we created diagrams of our investigations. We also recorded all of our questions to use for future experiments!
We also wrote in our writers note books about an opinion that we had. This one is about pandas!
Here is our opinion chart that we have.
Many of us shared our strong opinions!
In math we did a team challenge to show the effect of double/halving.
We have been exploring habits of mind all year. We are now taking a closer look at managing impulsivity.
Greta read I am Malala for us. Sometimes we choose a guest reader to give Mrs. Randall a break.
We did a many fun JAMs this week!
We conferenced with third graders! They are researching China. We learned a lot!
We presented our independent research projects on A Vermont product/industry and how it supports VT economy. After, we posted them on Edmodo so we could all take a closer look.
We gave a demo to the other fourth grade classes for our school-wide handshake project. This is what it looks like. We can't wait for Tuesday!
We had a lively discussion on current event topics!
Students are working at the inspiration table.
This is a fun game we have been playing as part of math menu.
In readers workshop, we are trying out a strategy called inferring. We are inferring meaning of unknown words while reading a news article about the Titanic. Mrs. Randall added a cool blog post fom National Geographic on edmodo for us to explore and build background knowledge.
Some of us printed out and shared some of our research.
We won the Chittenden county Sumdog math competition!! Great work everyone!
We are working on using what we know to solve double-digit multiplication problems.
Since Isabelle has been in NY for the last few weeks, we Skyped her!
Mrs. Randall did a book jacket prompt with us. We were really creative!
These students are discussing the text while reading.
Pod this week was challenging! We persevered through it!
Since we don't have school on Monday, we will see you Tuesday!
Alex and Miranda