Friday, November 8, 2013

Week of November 7

Bella is reading deeply in her book that she picked, her just right text.

Our class created families. Each family chose a family name and crated a poster.
The family names for our desk groups.
We are reading about The Eagle Has Landed. We are trying out a reading strategy called Questioning! The more we question, the deeper we understand.

We are dancing for our jam.
Nice!!! Good job Avrie showing your work and nice organized and showing your think clear and neat.

Ryan is showing his work that is about his math he used big array and small array. His idea is a conjecture!

We are counting by 3's and 30's. It is like the same thing but you are counting by 30 you add 10 to every thing. We skip count using a factor. The numbers we land on are the multiples of that number.

Taylor is 630 tall! We created a multiple tower of multiples of 30. OMG he is taller then me and maybe the whole class.

Abbey and Jack are working together they are going to do a great job.

This is a picture of us cleaning up the path!
We are picking up trash.
Abbey and Sydney did a p.o.d work. We noticed a pattern!

These are our math towers.

Kate is a multiplication masters!!! Good job Kate.

We are doing our narrative writing. We got to watch part of a scene from Toy Story and tried out perspective taking! Wide scene or close up!

Today Justin finished his multiplication on fast math good job Justin!!! Mrs. Randall dances on your desk! We can't wait to finish Fastt Math too!

The boys are doing a good job not being funny.

We shared our writing with our buddy class in NJ via Skype! We gave each other comments on pieces on Edmodo.

25 + Club checkpoint! 5 books read and responded to. Mrs. Randall gave us new book and pencil.
Have a good weekend!

Caitlyn and Madison


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