We finished reading the book Epossumondas by Coleen Salley and talked about how and why an author chooses words. We then created our own word list in our writer's notebook to use as a writer. Did you know that writers choose words to be accurate or to help the reader create a vivid image?
Today we had are first day of snow at school!!!!!
We are working on Vermont maps for our class Skype and test.
We had visitors from Rumney school.
Mr.lane told us that people have different perspectives and we should respect that.
On Wednesday we had Mrs.Johnson for a guest teacher for the afternoon. Mrs. Randall had a meeting in Richmond.
We are almost finished our book at read aloud, The Circuit. It's from the perspective of the author "Francisco"
In Mr.Bouchard had an Ah-Ha moment in class during math!
This is the problem he had that Ah-Ha moment.
We are learning how to use a new multiplication app on the I pad for math menu time.
People in Mrs.Randall math investigations group played a math game called Guess my Number.
In ELF, we took a closer look at the parts of a Lima bean. Did you know the seed plumule is next to the stem?
We had a visit from our K-buddies today and showed them are solar system project.
We organized our schedule to read to our K-buddies throughout the year. Once a month each one of us will spend time reading with our buddy!
Have a great weekend
By Jackson and Taylor.