Happy first day of Fall!
We found the factors of 100!
The next day in math, we focused on how we use the factors of 100 to find factors of other multiples of 100.
Each family group worked together to find factors of a multiple they chose. After, we asked these questions to see if our work was accurate, clear and concise before presenting to the class.
Does my work show my thinking?
Is my work clear?
Is my work organized?
Is my solution circled and labeled?
Is my answer accurate?
We Skyped Rick Riordan! He read a section of his new book the blood of Olympus. From the heros of Olympus the book is out October 7th
We just finished the book Dog Days By Karen English. After each book, one of us creates a bookmark and adds it to our bookmark bin. Mia made a cool bookmark!
We talked about what the them of Dog Days.
We are starting the book, The Fourteenth gold fish by Jennifer Holm.
We are I going to skype people around the world about fourteen gold fish! We are part of the global read aloud project!
Yesterday the whole class went to the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergnnes, VT. It was a blast! The whole class loved it.
Today we had Guidance,we learned about bulling.
We just read the book The Juice Box Bully By Bob Sornson and Maria Dismondy. We lifted one of our reading thoughts and wrote a paragraph to elaborate.
We Learned about empathy and respect. Those words mean being caring to one and other.
Mrs.Randall is reading Fire Flies and we are noticing how an author reveals a characters struggles and motivations by showing, not telling. We tried this out in small scenes in our narratives.
Team challenge- our Vermont maps!
Mrs. Randall bought more books and gave book talks on some of them...we can't wait for her to reveal all the new books!
We are working on acting out the problem when problem solving. This is what a few mathematicians shared during POD.
We are talking back to the text to help us better understand what we are reading.
We have found many QR codes in school, home and around town! Come check out our charts in the hallway!
Have you watched our Animoto video from our trip Wednesday? Check it out right here on our blog!
Maybe we will see you at the harvest market! Have a great weekend!
Aidan and Cooper