Friday, March 13, 2015

Week of March 9th

We worked hard today using the guess/check/think and revise strategy! This pod was challenging, but we persevered! Here is Owen's work.


We took time to reflect on what we've learned through the Second Step program. This will help us think about the skills that were most helpful and let Mrs. Randall know what she might need to reteach.

In our second block of writing we are doing an on demand writing piece. We planned, wrote and edited an opinion piece in one sitting!

For read aloud we are reading a book called pay it forward. It is about acts of kindness.

Today Andrew had a celebration and we did some jams that were really fun. Nice job Andrew!

Today in science we were working on our testable question.we have to think of a question and and think if it Is testable or not. Then, each family created a materials list and clear plan. On Wednesday each family will conduct their investigation. Our focus is properties of matter.

We made fraction cards and then played a bunch of games with them.
Word study- noticing word patters and sorting

Need a good book? We can recommend many! Check out some of these!

When we ask questions before, during and after we read, we dig deeper into the text and infer meaning.
Sharing some of our questions

A book recommendation

Subheadings- some are explicit (clear) and some are inferential (you need to infer the meaning). What do you think of these subheadings?

In readers Work shop we are reading The top of the world climbing Mount Everest.

Amos was in the authors chair and he shared his piece.

On Thursday it was Vermont writes day and we wrote for 7mins.

In our mystery skype we found out that they live in Missouri!

We all did a fraction lesson on Nearpod of Friday- digital learning day! Ask us about hot topics on Edmodo this week!

Our class played a game in current events!

Amos leads a discussion
Author's Chair

Putting our fraction cards onto a number line.

Have a good weekend!

Your loyal bloggers,

Jackson and Miranda



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