Friday, January 17, 2014

Week of January 13th

Here is Mrs.Randall teaching a minilesson to the class. She was teaching us about anticipating the reader's questions, while writing our informational books. We are thinking and planning like teachers!

This is Kayla's work. She finished the problem of the day and is now being a class helper.

We are working on finding the area of a polygons using square units. We discovered that you can use a rectangle to find the area of a triangle! Finding symmetrical designs is helpful!

This is Troy's work on Khan Acadamy. He made a smilie face.

This is Jack and Abbeys morning work for the problem of the day.

Troy made a person on Khan Academy

Mrs.Randall is reading our read aloud book. The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls.we found many new vocabulary words to try out in our writing!

This is Abbey and Olivia playing a math game. They are trying to find the area of the symmetrical design they made.

Nick is working on spelling city. He is working very hard practicing his spelling patter during word word in Readers workshop.

This is Nolan working on his Glog/online poster. He is working on Chittenden county. He is learning many facts about his county. One of them is that Chittenden county is the most populated county in VT.

This is our review game for math. We had our end of unit assessment on Thursday. We were reviewing geometry.

This is Julia's Fourth Grade Rats presentation. She is telling us about the theme of the book.

This is Nicholas writing his A.B.C. Format letter to Mrs.Randall. A.B.C. Stands for A = (A)nswer questions. B = (B)ack it up with evidence. C = (C)ommentary.

This is our class playing river bank river in guidance. When Mr.Lane says river jump forward but when he says bank we jump backward. It's a game of cooperation.

This is Sydney working on her google drive piece. She is checking off things she has already done during writing workshop.

This is Mrs.Randall teaching/reviewing with us about partial products. We are working on 87x64. This is how we broke it down : (80x60)+(80x4)+(60x7)+(7x4)

4,800 320 420 28

800+420=1,220 320+28=348



Madison and Katelyn are working together to find out more about Vermont. Mrs. Randall gave us 19 questions we had to research about our state. Next week we will use this knowledge to create riddles for a hopscotch game.

We read some fun tips from a book called, Thirty Days Has September-col ways to remember stuff
This is an achor chart about some questions we asked ourselves as we revised our informational writing.
Some of us shared a part of our glog or a technique we used and why we used it. Our glogs are due o 1/22!

Remember no school on Monday! See you on Tuesday!

Nolan and Julia


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